Avanti Westcoast:
Find the train driver interactive email
Problem: Covid-19 meant families were locked down at home, with loved ones and often small children, which meant keeping everyone entertained was a challenge. Avanti tasked Havas with creating an interactive game housed within an email that would get people talking, be engaging and family orientated and be innovative.
Solution: The idea of the piece is that the train driver is missing and there are some items scattered throughout the illustration that you would find yourself on if travelling the length of the network, from Glasgow to London. Interactive elements, hidden Easter eggs and even staff members were all included in the illustration. I developed a unique illustration style that could become an identity for the brand. Avanti West Coast don’t use illustration as part of their visual language, choosing to use icons and typography as part of their way-finding and signage. Exploring a flat vector style, with a simple geometric inspired structure meant the illustration could be tailored to suit their needs.
Client: Avanti Westcoast
Agency: Havas helia
Role: Senior Designer & Creative lead